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This page is dedicated to providing regular updates on content relevant to mediation, coaching, family mental wellness and parent education.


I welcome the opportunity to work with you! To learn more about Changing Point's specialized services, please connect for a complimentary phone introduction.  

Page Title

Foundry: Where wellness takes shape! Priviledged to come onboard with Foundry in my role as Family Engagement & Service Provider Liaison

New Office Renovation!
September 2017

After two years with the Abbotsford Coaching & Counselling Group I've done a little make over on my office! I'm so happy to host my clients in a new welcoming space! To learn more about the folks at ACCG click here

Coaching Model: Conscious Parenting: Finding the key to being THE PARENT YOU WANT TO BE
June 2017

As a family coach this model aligns with my practice, and can be helpful in identifying your specific parenting goals. "The Conscious Parenting Model is focusing to help clients with the challenge to find an individual parenting strategy solution that fits an individual cocktail called a family. The model is supposed to act as a guideline to the different areas that mark what is brought to the table." To view the coaching model click on this link

Angry Kids, Stressed Out Parents
10 Secrets to Positive Parenting

March 2017

Triple P is one program example to support caregivers learning positive parenting skills. In Angry Kids & Stressed Out Parents  CBC Doc Zone followed three families through Triple P: The Positive Parenting Program – one of the best, most cost-effective parent management programs in the world.   Parents attend classroom sessions, then get follow up support at home by trained Triple P facilitators." To watch Triple P techniques at work, click on this link.

Mediation Works

January 2017

Mediation Works - Family Mediation Week Family Mediators Association

Separation and divorce can be a stormy process. "Here is a short film 

explaining the process of family mediation and how it can help couples and families separate more smoothly and less bitterly. This film was created as part of Family Mediation Week (January 11th-15th 2016)"...learn more


Learn more about Changing Point's unique, specialized family services. There is no fee for our initial introduction, to say hello and talk about what you and/or your family may need to move forward.

Cell: 604 615 4796
Email :   

Serving Fraser Valley & Lower Mainland (Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Langley, Maple Ridge, Mission, Vancouver area )
By distance, virtually wherever you are.

I acknowledge, with gratitude, that my place of work is on the ancestral, traditional and unceded territories of the Stó:lô Coast Salish First Nations communities – Sq’éwlets, Sts’ailes, Leq’a:mel.

© 2007 Changing Point Family Mediation & Coaching
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