Separation & Divorce Mediation
Separation and divorce can raise high emotions and make it difficult to communicate through stressful issues you need to reach agreement on. Mediation is a timely, cost-effective way for separating couples to settle family property, assets and debts, support, guardianship, parenting time and responsibilities together. Mediation can be a more peaceful, collaborative way, to keep family options in your control, without going to court. With structure, education and resources at hand, it's much easier to work through the process and lessen the financial and emotional toll for everyone involved.
Making plans for your children touches the deepest emotional place through separation and divorce. Each parent usually has a pretty clear vision of what is best for their children moving forward. The conflict arises when parents don't share the same view!
A trained mediator will help you to identify what needs to be considered, specific to your family situation. Having knowledge of child development and parenting strategies, along with supportive resources helps you to create a Parenting Plan based on what is in the best interest of your kids.
When transitioning through a separation and divorce, there are many considerations working through the division of family property, assets and debts. Questions may surface...
Who will live in the family home? Will we sell it? What happens to our RRSP's and pensions? Is my inheritance from my grandmother on the table for division?
There are many questions that arise as a result of ending of a relationship. Timely education is key to making good decisions on behalf of yourself and your children.
Navigating support issues can be complex. A family law mediator can share helpful information on child support guidelines, special and extraordinary expenses you may not have considered, and spousal support.
Using specialized software ensures accurate calculations, including complicated tax considerations. A summary print out can be attached as part of your family agreement, to share with other support professionals on your team.
The goal of mediation is to help people reach agreement on the issues or dispute between them. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) can be drafted before the close of the mediation, detailing in plain language, the terms agreed to in mediation. Starting with an MOU keeps the process in your control and can be a helpful, money-saving first step for a Separation Agreement if needed.
It is recommended that your MOU be reviewed by independent legal advice. Once completed, there are options to process your MOU into a legal binding document.